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On January 22, 2018 at 0700 hours, ten (10) new Firefighter/EMT’s/Paramedic’s began their employment at the Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District. Nine (9) of these positions are being funded through a three (3) SAFER grant that the District was awarded from the Federal Government. This grant pays 75% of the salary & benefits for year 1 and 2 and then 35% in year 3.

Our new employees will first be assigned an orientation class for the first two weeks that is being conducted by our Training Division. After completion of this orientation program then they will be ready to start their shift and station assignment.

This SAFER grant will allow the District to be able to staff Haz-mat 1 24/7 with State Certified Hazardous Materials Technicians. Haz-mat 1 is being moved to Station 2 and within the FY19 budget Haz-mat 1 will be replaced with a multi-purpose vehicle that will respond on fire, medical and haz-mat calls. This apparatus will respond to all fire calls and will acted as our RIC and will also enhance our coverage during training events as well as provide coverage during heavy call loads. This new apparatus will have a pump, water tank and hose as well as be able to carry the necessary hazardous materials equipment and supplies.