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Firefighter’s from the Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District recently completed an 8 hour course in Swift Assisted Victim Extraction that taught our personnel how to work side-by-side with Law Enforcement during an active shooter event for the rapid care and removal of victims from a hostile environment to a safer environment.
Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District started this training on February 1st, 2016 and completed it on April 30th, 2016. The Manatee County Fire Chief’s Association agreed unanimously to train all of their personnel in these skills and tactics so that all agencies can safely work together in the rapid treatment and removal of multiple patients during an active shooter event that could potentially become a mass casualty incident.
Capt. Mark Crawford, Lt. Bobby Thayer and Lt. Melvin Bonds completed the 24 hour S.A.V.E. Instructor Course along with personnel from Manatee County Emergency Medical Services and provided this training to all Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District Personnel.
Since the Training has been completed, each first out Southern Manatee Fire Apparatus will be carrying S.A.V.E. equipment, which consists of 3 drop leg medical bags and 2 Swift Assist Rescue Litters. Each drop leg medical bag contains 2 Tactical Tourniquets, 4” and 6” Modular Bandage (combat dressing), 1 Blast Bandage, other assorted gauzes & tape, and chest decompression needle. The pictures better display this life-saving equipment.