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This past year Chris Gould, Battalion Chief with the Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District and a member of the Manatee County Hazardous Materials Team has demonstrated outstanding dedication, leadership and commitment to the Manatee County Hazardous Materials Team. Chris is one of the Team Leaders and Chris during this past year ensured that all of the Hazardous Materials assets were inventoried, quarterly checked, tested and repaired or replaced as required. Chris traveled throughout the County to where these trailers were located and brought them back to Southern Manatee Fire Station #3 where he performed this work. He ensured that Fire Dispatch and the Fire District housing this equipment were aware that he had them. Upon completion he returned them. Additionally Chris attended all required training and worked with the other Team Leaders to produce a list for the Fire Chief’s that contained Team Members names, contact info, and training completion. This past year as well as previous years, Chris along with a few other Team Members have been the bandaid or glue keeping the Team alive. Chris puts in countless hours for this Team and attends numerous training sessions above and beyond of what is required without any compensation.