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On Wednesday, March 28 2018, Suzann Moore retired from the Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District after completing ten (10) years of dedicated service to the District and to the citizens that she served. Suzann was assigned to our Fire Prevention Division and filled the position of Fire Prevention Secretary.

Even though her primary job was secretarial duties for Fire Prevention, Suzann did a lot more duties than what her position description called for, for example, she was a “Master” in designing-formatting reports, like our “Annual Report”, creating/revising the many forms that the District utilizes with their day-to-day operations, creating and maintaining a filing system by fiscal and calendar year for the Fire Chief and assisted the Fire Chief with their Customer Satisfaction Survey Program with the mailing of the surveys, tracking and processing the return surveys. Additionally Suzann took it upon herself to make certain that we all recycled properly by making certain that we did not mix paper with trash and at least twice a week made her rounds to everyone’s office to collect the recycled paper/plastics and placed them in the Counties recycle bins for pick-up. Again, these are just a few examples of what Suzann did for us even though these responsibilities were not in her position description. Suzann was very dedicated in her job and everyone enjoyed working with her.

On Wednesday, March 28, staff had a surprise luncheon for her and provided her with parting gifts but she was really surprised when she noticed that her two sisters from out of state came in to celebrate her retirement. Suzann had one request before she left and that was she never road on a fire truck, so Deputy Chief Blanco honored her request and Suzann was given a ride in the Officer’s seat throughout the Parkland Industrial Park. Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District congratulates Suzann on her retirement and thanks
her for the many years of dedicated service.