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On March 14th, Captain Robert Thayer, FF/EMT David Wernet and FF/EMT Sam Collins graduated from Suncoast Technical College after completing the Paramedic Class. They completed over 1100 hours of classroom training, clinical rotation at Sarasota Memorial Hospital between the Operating room, Emergency Department, Trauma Center, IV Team, Pediatrics, and Intensive Care, and each had to complete 24 hour shifts on various Rescues at Sarasota County Fire Department with a Paramedic Preceptor.

The District has sent ten (10) FF/EMT’s to 4 different Paramedic Classes in 2018 and in 2019 and Captain Thayer, FF/EMT Wernet and FF/EMT Collins were the first group to start the Paramedic Program and are the first to graduate. As graduate Paramedic’s they now have to get prepared to take the State exam to obtain their Paramedic Certification License.

The District is very proud of our three (3) graduate Paramedic’s and to our other personnel that are still in Paramedic School. Congratulations to Captain/Graduate Paramedic Robert Thayer, FF/Graduate Paramedic David Wernet and FF/Graduate Paramedic Sam Collins.